Tuesday , November 5 2024

Relationship does not last only by talking lovingly, listening to each other's pain and distance also strengthens the relationship – News India Live

It is said that where there is love, there are no secrets. Two lovers openly share their joys and sorrows. It cannot be claimed that there are no secrets between them. But there is no denying the fact that people in a romantic or marital relationship share many things in common.

According to new research published in the Journal of Personal Relationships, the depth of a relationship can be determined by what kind of things two people share with each other.

According to research, things shared between each other can predict the present and future of a relationship.

If your partner shares only positive things, then understand that he wants to be free from the relationship.

It is generally believed that if the relationship is deeply connected then people share positive things. Expressing your sadness or saying negative things is not considered good for the relationship.

But this research conducted on 'personal relationships' among 600 youth in America is telling something new. According to this, when a partner is not serious about the relationship, he shares only positive things and tries to avoid sharing negative things as much as possible.

Therefore, even sweet talk can be a sign of danger in a relationship.

In a strong relationship, partners share both joys and sorrows.

In this research 'Personal Relationship', an attempt was made to know what kind of things partners share with each other in a healthy relationship. As a result, it appears that both partners share the joys and sorrows of the relationship they wish to pursue.

If partners take the relationship seriously, they share their challenges, hurts, and fears with each other. With the help of these things they want to stay close to their partner. They expect that their partner will listen to their problems and give them emotional support.

On the other hand, when the relationship is just for fun and lacks emotional depth, partners avoid sharing their problems. Because they don't expect emotional support in return.

Good communication skills are the cure for every relationship problem.

After reading the above research, you might be wondering why it is important to tell good or bad things to your partner?

In fact, open communication is the strong foundation of any relationship. There is a definite pattern or medium for this in the workplace or social relationships.

But when it comes to romantic relationships, everything has to be decided between the partners. In such a situation, talking openly to your partner can be beneficial for the relationship.

According to relationship coach Dr. Anjali, by sharing their joys and sorrows, partners are able to understand each other better and empathy develops between them. Pretending that everything is fine despite challenges or hiding things from your partner can create mistrust in the relationship.

Expressing your pain will bring sympathy, this will strengthen the relationship.

'Empathy' means putting yourself in another person's place, thinking, understanding and seeing the world from his/her perspective. When a person gets out of his ego and tries to understand the feelings of others, he becomes sympathetic towards them.

According to a report published in the 'Journal of Internal Medicine', people who regularly practice compassion have better relationships and personal well-being than those who do not. This is very important for inner happiness and good relationships.

With its help, every kind of relationship can be strengthened, fights can be stopped and differences can be resolved.

Now the question is how to enhance this empathy that adds value to the relationship? On this Dr. Anjali suggested a solution to 'shared suffering'. It means sharing your pain with your partner and listening and understanding their pain.