Friday , March 7 2025

Important advice for parents


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When children are small, they are like raw clay, they become whatever shape they are given. Especially at the age of six years, the mental development of children occurs at a rapid pace. At this age they are in the process of understanding and learning everything. Children do not need to be taught everything, they learn a lot from their surrounding environment. That is why parents should be extremely cautious while raising them. Know here those things which should absolutely not be done in front of small children, because they can have a negative impact on their mind and behavior.

1. Don’t talk about financial struggles and income

Avoid talking about your financial problems or income in front of children.

  • Impact: Children may sense that parents are upset, causing them to become unknowingly stressed.
  • Their mind may become insecure thinking that their parents do not have enough money.
  • Therefore, maintain positivity in front of children and do not let them feel worried.

2. Stop shouting and fighting among yourselves

It’s natural for parents to argue, but avoid doing it in front of the children.

  • Effect:
    • Loud shouting and use of abusive words affects the mental state of the child.
    • The child learns that the solution to the problem comes in anger, which can have a negative impact on his behavior.
  • Advice:
    • Try to resolve issues peacefully and provide a positive environment to children.

3. Avoid serious crimes and fictional horror stories

Do not mention heart-wrenching incidents or scary stories at home in front of children.

  • Effect:
    • Fear may arise in the minds of children.
    • Talks about imaginary ghosts or witches can make children mentally unsafe.
  • Advice:
    • Discuss positive and inspirational stories with children.

4. Don’t talk negatively about school and studies

Avoid making negative comments about school, teachers or studies.

  • Effect:
    • A wrong perception may develop in the child’s mind about school and studies.
    • They may stop taking studies seriously.
  • Advice:
    • Explain the importance of school and education and develop respect for it in the minds of children.

5. Avoid gossiping and speaking ill of people

Children closely observe and copy the behavior of their parents.

  • Effect:
    • If you gossip or speak ill of someone, the child may consider it normal and develop negative attitudes towards others.
  • Advice:
    • Talk positively about others in front of children.