The global anti-ageing market size is expected to reach $120.23 billion by 2030. Can you remove wrinkles from your face without emptying your pocket? Here's how, Matsya Asana: This asana helps to stretch the neck region and tilt the face back, creating an anti-gravity pull, which strengthens all the muscles in your skin, jaw, face and neck region and works against the lines that form.
Shirshasana: Doing this asana increases blood flow to the brain, heart, liver, lungs, pineal and pituitary glands. It helps in flushing out toxins and preventing ageing.
Stress, anxiety, anger and facial wrinkles completely disappear. Premature wrinkles on the face are cured. The lines between the eyebrows and jaw loosen. Meditation is an excellent way to overcome these.
People suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, spondylitis, vertigo and slip disc should not do headhunting. In the beginning, it is better to try against a wall or practice with the help of some support.
By doing yoga, your blood circulation remains very good. You feel energetic throughout the day.