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World Arthritis Day on 12th October: Awareness is raised to remove misconceptions spread among people


Jaipur, 11 October (Hindustan Reporter). World Arthritis Day is celebrated every year on 12th October to raise awareness of arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases. Arthritis is a serious disease that reduces quality of life by causing significant physical disability and emotional distress. This year's theme is Joint Health for All, which will focus on making health care and resources accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background. About 15 percent (ie 180 million people) of the Indian population is affected by arthritis – which is more than many diseases like diabetes, AIDS and cancer. It affects people of all ages, from children, teenagers, young adults to middle-aged and elderly patients. On this occasion, Dr. Akhil Goyal, rheumatologist of Manipal Hospital, Jaipur said that there are many misconceptions among the common people regarding this disease and they need to be removed. Common people have many questions regarding this. Like…

what are arthritis

It is kept under the general term arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system becomes overactive towards the patient's body, producing antibodies, which damage many organs like joints, lungs, kidneys, eyes, skin, etc.

What are its common symptoms?

Joint pain, swelling and stiffness, early morning pain and stiffness in the neck and lower back, deformity of hands, knees and feet, general body and muscle aches, prolonged fever, extreme fatigue and weight loss, facial And red rashes on the body, dryness of eyes and mouth.

What are the main causes of arthritis

Environmental and lifestyle causes Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, air pollution, frequent viral infections 2 Genetic factors Some have a positive family history of the disease, making them more likely to develop It becomes too much. 3. Arthritis is more common in women due to increased estrogen hormones.

All the above mentioned factors have a complex interaction in the body resulting in autoimmune diseases.

Main types of arthritis

There are more than 100 types of arthritis. Of which osteoarthritis is the most common, followed by rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis psoriatic arthritis and SLE.

How to avoid arthritis

A healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet are necessary to prevent arthritis. Fruits, vegetables, milk, curd, fish, pulses, low salt and low calorie diet should be given priority and fried food and meat based items should be avoided. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Lose weight and do regular exercise and physiotherapy.

How is arthritis treated?

If the patient approaches a rheumatologist at the right time, damage and deformity of the joints can be prevented through medicines.

Patients and their families also need to understand that medicines to control arthritis need to be taken for a long time. This includes pain killers, low dose steroids, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. New and modern medicines are available in the form of biologics which provide immediate relief from pain and prevent the disease from progressing.