How will the weather be today?
According to the Meteorological Department in Delhi-NCR, today on 27 November 2024, the minimum temperature of Delhi is expected to be 12 degrees Celsius and the maximum temperature is expected to be 25 degrees Celsius. Humidity will be 35% and wind speed will be 5 km per hour.
how cold it was yesterday
Now if we know about the cold of the previous day, then according to the Meteorological Department, the maximum temperature in Delhi on the previous day i.e. 26th November was 26 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature was recorded at 12 degrees Celsius. The wind speed was 11 km per hour and humidity was 67%. Although the day was mildly sunny, it felt a little hot. But by evening people had taken off their sweaters.
How will be the temperature in Noida and Ghaziabad?
Let us know how the temperature will be in Noida and Ghaziabad. According to the Meteorological Department, the minimum temperature in Noida-Ghaziabad was recorded at 12 degrees Celsius. The wind speed will be 5 km per hour, while the humidity has been recorded at 94%.