Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh has made serious allegations against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He has claimed that BJP has applied to get his wife’s name removed from the voter list from New Delhi Assembly seat. According to Sanjay Singh, this attempt has been made not once but twice.
Sanjay Singh’s allegation: Application given twice
Sanjay Singh raised this issue during a press conference on Sunday. He said,
“Recently I had raised the issue of cutting the votes of the people of Purvanchal in the Rajya Sabha. I had also read out those names in Parliament. After this, BJP got so upset that it applied to get my wife’s vote cut.”
Sanjay Singh told that applications were given twice on 24th and 26th December to get his wife’s vote deducted. Making a scathing attack on BJP, he said,
“Nadda Saheb, don’t do this. Don’t get involved in election rigging like this. When efforts are being made to cut the votes of the MP’s wife in Arvind Kejriwal’s constituency, it is clear that my allegation was true. BJP is really cutting into the votes of the people of Purvanchal and Bihar. My wife is also from Purvanchal, and this incident is proof of it.”
Allegation of election rigging
Sanjay Singh raised questions on BJP’s strategy and said,
“BJP is not desisting from its activities. This vote-cutting tactic was also adopted in Maharashtra and Haryana. Now efforts are being made to steal votes through backdoor in Delhi. This conspiracy will not be allowed to succeed.”
Taking aim at BJP, he said that this incident strengthens his allegation that the party is making organized efforts to influence the electoral process.
Counterattack on Manoj Tiwari’s statement
During the press conference, Sanjay Singh referred to a statement by BJP leader Manoj Tiwari, in which Tiwari had said that those whose votes were being cut could be Rohingyas or Bangladeshis. On this Sanjay Singh said,
“Is my wife Bangladeshi or Rohingya? BJP is showing its reality through this statement. This is not only a political attack, but it is also an insult to the people of Purvanchal and Bihar.”
Demand for action from Election Commission
Sanjay Singh appealed to the Election Commission to immediately intervene on this issue. He said,
“This conspiracy of BJP is an attempt to tarnish the electoral process. The Election Commission should take this seriously and take action.”
political rhetoric intensified
This allegation can create a new controversy in Delhi politics. While Sanjay Singh has accused BJP of election rigging and vote cutting, BJP has not yet given any reaction on this.
This statement of Sanjay Singh not only sharpens the election strategy of Aam Aadmi Party, but can also become a big issue for the voters of Purvanchal and Bihar in Delhi. Now it remains to be seen what is the stand of the Election Commission and BJP on this allegation.