Sunday , December 22 2024

Why should you not drink water after eating Bhutta? Get the answer from an expert | Live Updates, Unveiling the Latest India News Trends

Monsoon Eating Tips: Monsoon has arrived and the sale of corn has started in the market. Corn with salt and lemon tastes so delicious that no one can live without it. And when it rains heavily, the taste of corn also doubles. They are very tasty, and nutritious too. It contains many nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Fiber. You must have often noticed that after eating corn you feel very thirsty, but it is always advised not to drink water after eating it. In childhood, elders often used to say that drinking water after eating corn causes fever, is this really the reason why water should not be drunk after eating corn, let us know in detail in this article.

Why should one not drink water after eating corn?

According to experts, you should avoid drinking water immediately after eating corn as it can spoil your stomach health. The digestive system slows down. Actually, this happens because corn contains complex carbohydrates and starch, so drinking water immediately after eating it can cause severe stomach pain, gas formation, bloating and constipation. This can be an extremely uncomfortable situation, to avoid such a situation it is advisable to keep a time gap between eating corn and drinking water. The ideal time gap should be at least 45 minutes.

Keep these things in mind while eating corn

Many precautions should be taken while eating corn, because corn is available in monsoon and in this season our body is susceptible to diseases, eat roasted corn fresh and hot. Corn stored for too long can produce harmful bacteria and cause digestive problems.