Monday , January 13 2025

Why does weight gain after quitting smoking? Learn how to control it

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A person addicted to cigarette wants to quit smoking. Many people quit smoking, but after this, many changes occur in the body for a few months. For example, smoking cigarettes and not smoking can make you restless, irritable and you may not feel like working for some time. Problems like stomach ache may also occur. In medical language, these problems are called withdrawal syndrome. This means that symptoms will appear in the body for some time after you stop taking the medicine. Although this lasts for a few days, up to two weeks maximum, you will be fine after that. Apart from these symptoms, many people also start gaining weight after quitting smoking.

The National Library of Medicine reports that most people experience weight gain after quitting smoking. The difference in weight gain ranges from 3 to 6 kg. According to research conducted in America, when a person stops smoking, his weight increases for about 4 to 6 months, every month the weight increases by one to one and a half kg, that is, the weight increases up to 6 kg. In some it may be more or less. Now you might be wondering why quitting smoking leads to weight gain and is there any disadvantage of quitting smoking? Experts know the answers to both these questions.

Professor Dr. LH Ghotekar, HOD, Department of Medicine, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi, says that after quitting smoking, nicotine stops entering the body, which reduces appetite, so when you quit smoking, appetite increases. She goes. Eating too much increases weight. Quitting nicotine slows down metabolism, which leads to weight gain.

Some people also start getting mental stress due to not smoking cigarettes. Due to this the person eats more and his weight increases. Just because it doesn't mean you shouldn't quit smoking.

Benefits of quitting smoking

Dr. of Pulmonology Department of Moolchand Hospital, Delhi. Bhagwan Mantri says that quitting smoking has not just one but many benefits for the body. It strengthens your lungs and heart. The skin starts looking better than before. You will be protected from dangerous diseases like asthma, COPD, bronchitis and lung cancer. The risk of stroke and heart attack will also reduce and your hair will also become better and your physical fitness will also improve. You save money when you don't buy cigarettes.

Within a few days of quitting smoking, you will find your body fitter than before and feel less tired than before during any physical work or sports. If you smoke heavily, try to quit. With this, drug addiction can be easily eliminated. Even if your weight increases later, it will be only a few kilograms, which can be easily controlled with these methods.

You can adopt these methods to control weight

Eat a healthy diet: Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

daily exercise

Drink at least 7 glasses of water a day

yoga, meditation

Take nicotine replacement therapy