Causes of digestive problems in monsoon: Rainy season is not pleasant for everyone. Many people have more digestive problems in this season. Such as acidity, constipation, upset stomach or indigestion. Despite eating less outside food in this season, many people have digestive problems. Therefore, it is important to understand the cause of frequent digestive problems. This can help deal with the problem in time. Let us know in this article why digestive problems are more during the rainy season.
Drinking less water during monsoon causes digestive problems
People drink less water during monsoon. In such a situation, some people quench their thirst naturally. Due to this, people also keep their water intake low. Consuming less water keeps the body dehydrated. Due to this, digestive problems often occur.
Eating junk food
People eat more outside food during the rainy season. This is the biggest reason for getting sick during monsoon. Because the food available outside, especially on the road, is kept open. Keeping it open causes bacteria to grow in it, which makes people sick after eating it. Many people keep cooking food in the same oil by heating it again and again. This also increases toxins in the body and causes stomach diseases. Therefore, do not eat outside food at all during monsoon.
Eating stale food
If you also eat food that has been stored for a long time, then your stomach may get upset. Fungus and bacteria grow rapidly in food during the rainy season. These things contaminate food quickly. Therefore, stale food should be avoided during this season. Only fresh and hot cooked food should be eaten during the rainy season.
Avoid eating spicy foods during monsoon
Naturally our digestive system becomes weak. In such a situation, if spicy food is eaten in large quantities, it harms the digestive system. Spices can cause heat in the stomach. Due to this, you
You may have frequent stomach upset.
Therefore, normal spicy food should be eaten during monsoon.
The risk of these 5 stomach related problems increases in monsoon, follow these measures to prevent it
eating too much fried food
Most people like to eat pakoras and kachoris during the rainy season. But if these things are consumed daily, then the digestive system can get disturbed. Eating heavy food every day can make it difficult to digest things. Therefore, fried food should be eaten occasionally during the rainy season.
Avoid physical exercise
During the rainy season, our movement and workouts naturally decrease. Due to which the immune system of the body also weakens. In such a situation, food is digested slowly, which causes problems in digesting food.