Friday , December 27 2024

Who came to earth with good fortune; This mark on the foot is Rajyoga Laxman

reading feet : As important as the lines on your hands are in palmistry, the structure of your feet and the lines and symbols found on your feet are also equally important. The shape of the feet or the marks made on them give information about a person's future. Today we are going to tell you about some such signs found on the feet.

It is said that people of these zodiac signs are very lucky and progress a lot in life. People who have such marks on the soles of their feet definitely become rich. They will also get respect in the society. (Lucky marks on feet) Let us see what are the lucky marks found on feet. Check if it is on your feet too.

These marks on feet are indicative of good luck

If there is a symbol of bow, sun, vase, flag, lotus, fan, conch, mace, fish and arrow on the foot, then such a person is considered to be the symbol of Goddess Lakshmi. The blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, will always remain upon them.


Blessed are those people who have the symbol of Shiva's weapon Trishul on their feet. People who have this symbol in their feet become big officers in government sector jobs. Wherever they are, their influence remains. They will never be short of money.

swastika symbol

People who have a Swastika mark on the lower part of their toe are great. Such a person will be highly spiritual and will do charity work. They can become capable through meditation and yoga.

T symbol above threshold

If you see a shape like the English letter T above the instep, it is a very lucky sign for you. If you are doing business then this symbol tells you that no one can stop your success. You will be very successful in business. You will get a lot of money and respect from business.

If your toes are bent towards the right then such people are considered to be rich in luck. They live a very luxurious life.

If a woman's feet are completely on the ground while walking, then she is considered very lucky. The man she marries will never be short of money.

If the soles of a person's feet are very pink or red in color, then there is never any shortage of comforts and amenities in the life of such a person. Besides, they also get promotion very fast in their career.

If both the feet are placed together and do not touch each other and form a circle in the middle, then it is a sign of wealth. Such people get a lot of name and fame in life. They are always successful in their work.

flat feet

A person with flat feet acts like a mule. You would like to live in peace. People with thin legs are lazy. But they also have a high sense of beauty. No matter how frugal you are, your home will be happy.


If your toe is longer than the rest of your toes then you are energetic and full of creativity. You can get instant solution to any problem. If your toe is shorter than the rest, you will be very efficient at multitasking.

second finger

If your second toe is the longest, you become the leader. Energy and creativity will pave your way. If your second toe is short you will be more sensitive to impacts.

third finger

If your third finger is bigger than the rest then you will be an expert in business. You can make your dreams come true with firm decisions.

fourth finger

If your fourth finger is longer than the rest then you are a good listener. If your fourth finger is shorter than the rest then you are bachelor.

fifth finger

If your fifth finger is shorter than all the other fingers then your character will be like a child. If this finger stands away from other fingers then you will be a courageous person. But if this finger remains tight, you will be loyal and punctual.