Monday , December 23 2024

Which spices should people with Pitta Prakriti avoid in summer? Learn from Ayurvedacharya | Live Updates, Unveiling the Latest India News Trends

Balance the Pitta dosha: According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Some people have a Pitta nature, while some have either Kapha or Vata nature. People with Pitta nature get angry easily and suffer from acidity and skin problems. Heat persists in their body, which leads to many problems.

In such a situation, people suffering from gall bladder need to take special care of their diet in summer season. In summer, cold food items should be consumed more. Also, hot food should be avoided. Talking about spices, people suffering from bile should not consume black pepper, cloves and bay leaves etc.

Come, dietician Dr. Arogya Diet and Nutrition Clinic. Know from Sugita Mutreja which spices should not be eaten by people with Pitta in summers-

Which spices should people with Pitta nature avoid in summer?
1). Fast

The nature of the leaf is very hot. People often use bay leaves in pulao, vegetables and pulses. But if your nature is bile then avoid eating bay leaves. Bay leaves can increase the heat in your body. Eating betel leaves causes burning sensation in the stomach and chest due to acidity in the body. Therefore, one should avoid eating food items containing betel leaves as much as possible.

Most people use cloves in tea, decoction and food. Cloves not only enhance the taste of food but also increase nutrients. However, cloves are extremely hot in nature. In such a situation, consuming cloves in summer can prove to be harmful for health. Especially people who have bile nature should avoid eating cloves in summer. Eating cloves can cause stomach irritation. Not only this, eating cloves can also cause acne and small pimples on the skin.

Also read- People with bile nature should not eat these 4 types of pulses, problems may increase in the body

3). Ginger
Ginger is full of medicinal properties. It is mostly used in pulses, vegetables and tea etc. Most people do not like to drink tea without ginger. Ginger has a hot nature, so one should avoid consuming it in excess in summer. If your nature is of Pitta nature, then do not consume ginger in summer season even by mistake. Ginger can cause irritation in the throat and stomach. This can cause acidity and can also spoil your health.

Garlic is rich in nutrients. Often people use garlic to enhance the taste of beans and vegetables. Not only this, some people also chew raw garlic cloves. Garlic is hot in nature. Therefore, its consumption harms people with bile nature. Garlic can cause burning sensation in the stomach and chest. Garlic should not be consumed even by mistake in summer.

5). Bile
People of hot nature should also avoid mustard in summer. Mustard is extremely hot in nature. If you consume it in summer, it can harm you. Mustard seeds can cause burning sensation in chest and stomach. If you add mustard seeds, then in summer you can also add coriander or cumin instead of it.