Firozpur: On Tuesday, a student studying in a private school swallowed poison in village Shakur under Ghal Khurd police station. It is alleged that the teacher in the school insulted and slapped the student for not paying the fees. The student has been admitted to the hospital. The police of Ghall Khurd police station have registered a case against the teacher on the statement of the student. SI Sarabjit Singh said that in the statements given to the police, student Komaljit Kaur, resident of village Toot, told that she is a student of class 11th. On Tuesday, when she went to school, school mistress accused Harjeet Kaur, resident of Shakur, came to her class and stopped her and asked about the fees, to which she said that her father would pay the fees.
After this the teacher called his father, but when the father did not pick up the phone, the teacher scolded him. Along with this, he was slapped in front of the entire class and thrown out of the class. After this he came home and told the whole story to his parents. Next day on Wednesday, when his mother and aunt went to school, teacher Harjeet Kaur and her son Gursimran insulted his mother and aunt, when he came to know about it, he swallowed poison. The student's father Jasveer Singh told that he had deposited Rs 40 thousand in the school some time ago. After this, the school officials said that her daughter's class 9 fees were Rs 51,000 and class 11 fees were Rs 24,000.
If complaint comes, we will investigate
District Education Officer Neelam Rani said that no such complaint has been received yet. If there is any complaint, a committee will be formed and investigation will be conducted. Based on the committee's report, action will be taken against the school.