In the last few years, star couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have undertaken many religious trips. After meeting the famous saint Premanand Maharaj, both of them have visited Kainchi Dham of Baba Neem Karauli. Now once again this star couple attended the court of Premanand Maharaj. Virat Kohli came to meet Premanand Maharaj with his wife Anushka and two children. During this, both Virat and Anushka saluted the Maharaja. Anushka bowed to the Maharaja and asked for love and devotion from the saint in the form of blessings.
give me only love and devotion
Big personalities of the country often come to meet and have darshan of the popular saint of Vrindavan, Hit Premanand Gobind Sharan Ji Maharaj. Virat and Anushka have reached Premanand Maharaj for the second time. Meanwhile, Virat and Anushka asked about his health. Anushka then said, ‘Last time when we came, I had some questions in my mind and I thought that I would ask you, but everyone sitting there asked you the same questions which were in my mind when I was talking to you. . The next day, whenever I watched a private conversation, someone would ask this question. Bollywood actress Anushka further said, ‘You just give me love and devotion.’
Premanand Maharaj blessed both of them
Premanand Maharaj blessed both of them and also praised them. The saint said, these people are very brave. It is very difficult to turn towards devotion after gaining worldly fame and respect. We think that your devotion will have a special impact on him. There is nothing greater than devotion. Chant the name, be happy. Be very loving. Live happily.