Vande Bharat Express Train: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will gift four Vande Bharat Express trains including Tatanagar-Patna to Bihar on Sunday. He will virtually flag off six Vande Bharat Inauguration Special trains including Tatanagar-Patna, Gaya-Howrah, Varanasi-Deoghar and Bhagalpur-Howrah Vande Bharat. Passengers of Bihar will directly benefit from three Vande Bharat trains. Varanasi-Deoghar Vande Bharat has been given a halt at Gaya.
Here, on Sunday, there will be a welcome ceremony when Tatanagar-Patna Vande Bharat train reaches Patna Junction. For this, a stage is being built on platform number one. The railway has also invited Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, local MPs-MLAs and other dignitaries for the program to be held at 7 pm on Sunday.
What will be the timing of the trains?
2893 Tatanagar Vande Bharat Special will leave Tatanagar at 10.15 am and reach Patna at 8.15 pm. Gaya-Howrah Vande Bharat Inauguration Special will leave Gaya at 11.00 am and reach Howrah at 19.00 pm. From September 18, 22303/22304 Howrah-Gaya-Howrah Vande Bharat will run daily except Thursdays.
02249 Baidhnathdham-Varanasi Vande Bharat Inauguration Special will depart from Baidhnathdham at 11.00 am and reach Varanasi at 21.00 pm. 22500/22499 Varanasi-Deoghar-Varanasi Vande Bharat train will be operated regularly. This train will run from Varanasi and Deoghar six days a week except Tuesday.