The importance of spices in Indian kitchen is unmatched, and turmeric is one of the major spices. It not only gives beautiful color and aroma to the food, but also enhances the taste. However, there are some vegetables in which adding turmeric can spoil their taste and color. Let us know about those vegetables in which turmeric should not be used:
Do not add turmeric to brinjal vegetable.
Adding turmeric to brinjal curry or bharta can have a negative impact on its taste and texture. Adding turmeric makes the taste of brinjal bitter, which reduces the enjoyment of the dish.
Do not use turmeric in fenugreek vegetable.
Fenugreek greens are already a little bitter. If you add turmeric while making fenugreek curry, it will increase its bitterness. Therefore, it is advisable not to add turmeric to fenugreek curry.
Do not add turmeric to spinach greens
Spinach greens are very much liked in winter. But if you add turmeric to it, its taste will deteriorate and its green color will start appearing black. Therefore, avoid adding turmeric to spinach greens.
Do not use turmeric in mustard greens
Sarson ka saag, especially with makki ki roti, is a great favorite in winters. But adding turmeric to mustard greens spoils its taste, because adding turmeric increases its bitterness.
Avoid turmeric in onion leaves curry
Adding turmeric to onion leaves curry affects its taste. If you want to make a delicious curry of onion leaves, it is better to skip turmeric.
By not using turmeric in these vegetables, you can improve the taste and color of your food.