Saturday , December 28 2024

Unsafe tattoos also pose a risk of hepatitis

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Tattoos cause Hepatitis B: In today's social media era, the trend of getting more likes or imitating a favorite celebrity is increasing among the youth. But if this tattoo is done in an unsafe manner, then there is a risk of hepatitis 'B'. Gujarat is at the sixth place in the whole country in terms of the spread of hepatitis “B”. Tomorrow is 'World Hepatitis Day', in such a situation, the increasing cases of hepatitis and lack of awareness about it have become a matter of concern.

Gujarat has a higher seroprevalence rate than the national average for hepatitis. The seroprevalence rate of hepatitis B in the country is 0.95 percent while in Gujarat it is 1.2 percent. Talking about hepatitis C, the national seroprevalence rate is 0.32 percent while in Gujarat this rate is 0.19 percent. In terms of hepatitis B, the state of Gujarat ranks sixth in the country after Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. What is more worrying is that most of the country's population is probably living with hepatitis B disease and is often unaware of its status.

According to doctors, unsafe tattooing poses a risk of hepatitis. In this regard, Dr. Yogesh Harwani said, “Using the same type of needle for tattooing by different people can lead to hepatitis 'B' and 'C' infection. The prevalence rate of hepatitis B among tattooers is around 3.30 percent. Doctors said that safe tattooing and strict sterilization protocols are necessary to prevent the spread of hepatitis.' Altered INR level or sensorium indicates severe hepatitis. It is very important to consult doctors to prevent severe hepatitis from becoming fatal.

Jaundice can also cause hepatitis

, If jaundice is not treated properly and timely, it can lead to hepatitis. The chances of liver failure due to hepatitis are 1 to 2 percent.

, About 40 to 50 percent of people with high body mass index and history of diabetes may develop fatty liver, even if they do not drink alcohol. Since Gujarat is considered the diabetes capital, the number of fatty liver cases may increase which is a matter of concern.

, In Gujarat, 10 to 15 percent of mothers with undiagnosed or untreated fatty liver may develop psoriasis within 10 to 15 years.

, There are many people who actually have hepatitis but are not aware of it. Most of the patients already have cirrhosis when they get jaundice or are diagnosed with swelling in the legs or abdomen. But if the disease is diagnosed on time and the early stage of cirrhosis (i.e. hepatitis-B or hepatitis-C) is detected, they can be treated with antiviral drugs and cirrhosis can be cured with early diagnosis.