The Election Commission of India has issued a strict order amid the ongoing by-elections in Uttar Pradesh. Taking cognizance of Samajwadi Party’s complaints on social media of preventing certain communities from voting during the UP by-elections, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar has issued strict instructions to CEO UP and all District Election Officers (DEOs)/Returning. Instructions have been given to the officers (ROs) to make the voting process fair and smooth.
EC has said that all complaints will be given immediate attention.
EC has asked to pay immediate attention and take immediate action on all complaints and report through social media by tagging the complainant. Any kind of bias will not be tolerated and strict action will be taken if found guilty upon receiving a complaint.
Instructions have been issued to conduct the voting in a peaceful and fair manner.
The Election Commission has said that the police and general inspectors deployed in all the nine districts have also been instructed to keep a strict vigil and ensure that the voting is conducted in a peaceful and fair manner.
Policemen who violated Election Commission guidelines suspended
Taking cognizance of Akhilesh Yadav’s complaint in Kanpur, the concerned police officers have been suspended. Acting on various complaints received in the ongoing by-elections in Uttar Pradesh, the Election Commission has suspended policemen who violated the Election Commission’s guidelines on voter verification and preventing voters from voting, police said.