Moradabad, 05 July (HS). On Thursday, there was a conflict between two groups over the place of keeping Tazia in village Lalapur Peepalsana of Surjan Nagar police station area of Thakurdwara police station of the district. On Friday, both the parties met SDM Ajay Mishra with their complaints. SDM called in-charge inspector Rajiv Chaudhary of Thakurdwara police station. He was instructed to take preventive action against both the parties in the apprehension of breach of peace.
There is a dispute between Jumma of one party and Rafiq of the other party regarding the place to keep the Tazia in the village. Both the parties are claiming the place to keep the Tazia as theirs. Rafiq says that the Tazia of Muharram is kept here for many years. Whereas Jumma is claiming this place as his own. Jumma is accused of dumping his sand and gravel near the place of Tazia for construction. The police have instructed both the parties to maintain the status quo on the spot.