Sunday , December 22 2024

Traffic rules: Not paying the pending challan of the vehicle can cause trouble, all these things will be banned

Pending Challan: If you also travel daily in your car or bike then you need to be careful. Due to the cameras installed on the road, challans are being issued to people continuously and many people are also ignoring them. If you are also included among those people then this can be a big problem for you. If you do not pay the challan, the traffic police will put you in such a category in which you can neither sell the car nor get any other work done. Today we are giving you this information.

Challans are made through cameras

In fact, for the last few years, the number of challans being issued through cameras has been continuously increasing, now such cameras have been installed at every red light or intersection. Because of this, multiple challans are issued for the same vehicle. People start waiting instead of filling them all at once, which can be quite dangerous for them.

the car will be blacklisted

According to the new government rule, if there are more than 8 challans on your car or bike and you are not paying them, then your vehicle can be blacklisted. Once your vehicle is blacklisted you will not be able to avail any facility on the Vahan portal. Your vehicle will not fit, it will not be pollution checked and you will not be able to transfer this vehicle. However, if the driver pays all the challans of the vehicle, his vehicle will be out of the blacklist.

After this decision of the government, thousands of vehicles have already gone into the blacklist category. Apart from this, this action is continuing continuously. If you have not paid your pending challan yet, complete this work immediately, otherwise you may be next in line. Apart from this, follow the traffic rules to avoid further challans and keep in mind that you are being monitored everywhere.