Today, 12 January 2025, Sunday is the Trayodashi date of Paush Shukla Paksha. This Tithi will last till 05:03 am, after which Chaturdashi Tithi will begin. Today is special from religious and astrological point of view, because there is a combination of Mrigashira Nakshatra and Brahma Yoga. In this article we will give you auspicious time, Rahukaal, time of Paran, and other important information.
Auspicious time and calendar of 12 January 2025
date | Trayodashi of Paush Shukla Paksha (till 05:03 am) |
constellation | Mrigashira Nakshatra (till 11:25 am) |
sum | Brahma Yoga (till 09:09 am) |
wise | sunday |
position of the moon | gemini |
auspicious time
name of auspicious time | Time |
immortality period | 06:06 am to 07:42 am |
twilight time | 06:23 pm to 07:25 pm |
Vijay Muhurta | 02:23 pm to 03:25 pm |
Nishith period | 11:41 pm to 12:20 am |
wee hours | 04:03 AM to 05:08 AM |
Abhijeet Muhurta | 12:08 pm to 12:49 pm |
Rahukaal is considered an inauspicious time, during this time one should avoid doing any auspicious work.
City | Rahukaal time |
Delhi | 04:25 pm to 05:43 pm |
Mumbai | 04:56 pm to 05:19 pm |
Chandigarh | 04:23 pm to 05:40 pm |
Lucknow | 04:13 pm to 05:32 pm |
Bhopal | 04:31 pm to 05:53 pm |
Kolkata | 03:49 pm to 05:10 pm |
Ahmedabad | 04:21 pm to 06:12 pm |
Chennai | 04:34 pm to 05:59 pm |
sunrise and sunset time
Event | Time |
sunrise | 07:14 am |
sunset | 05:43 pm |
Almanac: Importance of Vedic calculations
Hindu calendar, also known as Vedic calendar, is a means of accurate calculation of time and period.
- Panchang has five major parts:
- date
- constellation
- wise
- sum
- Karan
- Through Panchang, information about auspicious time, Rahukaal, sunrise-sunset, and position of the moon is available.
Importance of special date
- Worship of Lord Shiva on Trayodashi date has special significance.
- On this day, due to Mrigashira Nakshatra and Brahma Yoga, the results of religious rituals increase manifold.