The actor said, 'Hello viewers, first of all I wish you all a very Happy Krishna Janmashtami. This video is not only about the celebration but I want to share something with you that caught my attention, thanks to my wife Snehal.
Share the video and tell the truth
Mandar Chandwadkar further said, 'Many people must have seen this video, the thumbnail says, 'Today I will tell the whole truth about TMKOC set. Daya Bhabhi will not come, I will also go. Show I am surprised and sad to see such a video which shows how people misuse social media. The pictures you see in the video are from the live stream that I did when the show was 16 years old.
Mandar captioned the video, 'Friends, please do not believe the rumours and please do not spread them. TMKOC show has been entertaining you all since 2008 and will continue to do so for years to come. Just wanted to tell the truth so posted this reel. Many thanks and love.