Friday , December 27 2024

Those who do sitting jobs are at risk of death from heart attack, to avoid this, do this work for 30 minutes: Study

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Sitting for too long increases the risk of: The habit of sitting or sleeping in one position for a long time can seriously affect your heart health. A recent study found that sitting for 10.6 hours or more a day may increase your risk of death from heart disease, even if you get light exercise every day.

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital analyzed data from the fitness trackers of nearly 90,000 British people. The device recorded his activities for seven days. In which it was found that the average person sits for about 9.4 hours per day.

Sitting for too long increases the risk of: The habit of sitting or sleeping in one position for a long time can seriously affect your heart health. A recent study found that sitting for 10.6 hours or more a day may increase your risk of death from heart disease, even if you get light exercise every day.

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital analyzed data from the fitness trackers of nearly 90,000 British people. The device recorded his activities for seven days. In which it was found that the average person sits for about 9.4 hours per day.