Sunday , December 22 2024

These changes happen in the body when you feel hungry, you are not skipping food to lose weight

People adopt different methods to lose weight or stay fit. Always remember that what works for one person does not necessarily work for everyone. Nowadays, many such videos go viral on social media in which emphasis is laid on eating only 2 times a day instead of 3-4 times. If you are also planning to skip one meal then it would be better if you skip dinner.

You will find many benefits of fasting on the internet. In this you have to decide for how many hours to eat and for how long to give rest to the digestive system. The practice of fasting once a week is very old in India. In the language of science, when we do not eat anything for several hours, obesity results. Due to this, body fat burns faster. Some studies have also shown that intermittent fasting reduces inflammation and cholesterol in the body. However, this does not apply to everyone.

Be sure to keep track of your weight before skipping meals. If your weight is healthy, skipping dinner can also be harmful. People who have diabetes can also be harmed by skipping meals.

If you fast for a short period of time such as intermittent fasting or skipping a meal, it does not make much difference. But if you fast for a long time, your metabolism slows down, which will make it difficult for you to lose weight in the long run.

When you skip food, your body starts feeling hungry. This is called starvation mode. In such a situation, your brain signals the body to slow down body activities so that energy is not wasted and fewer calories are burned. This will slow down the weight loss process. When you start eating properly again, you will gain more weight because your metabolism will have slowed down.

When we feel hungry, many hormones signal hunger so that the body can get food. If you ignore these signals, the coordination of many hormones like insulin, leptin, cortisol and ghrelin gets disturbed. Skipping food can also lead to deficiency of essential nutrients in the body. Therefore, to lose weight, control your food intake, eat healthy, exercise, do not take stress and get good sleep.