Women's thoughts during sex: Physical relationship is very special for every couple. When a couple gets intimate, there is a possibility that both have different ideas. A couple wants to get pleasure from physical relationship. So whatever is going on in the couple's mind at this time can be related to pleasure.
Especially when women are in a relationship, they think about many other things than just sex. The important thing is that most men do not know what is going on in women's minds. Let's find out what women think about relationships.
Body odor
You may find this a little strange, but women are bothered by body odor during intercourse. Women are very sensitive in terms of smell. When someone suddenly starts getting intimate with a partner, then the thought starts coming in his mind about what kind of smell is coming from his mouth or body.
Thoughts on clothing
This may seem like a small thing to men, but no matter how emotional a woman is, she thinks a lot about her clothes. Especially she thinks about her undergarments. A woman wants to look attractive in every dress. That is why she dresses accordingly. That is why during a relationship, thoughts about this start coming to her mind.
Regarding the intimate part
Hygiene is very important for women. Women are prone to infections related to the private parts. Therefore, women often wonder if their male partner has sex without bathing. The idea behind this is to prevent us from getting any infection.
What will happen after sex?
As soon as girls realize that they are getting close to orgasm, they start thinking about what will happen after that sex. When women are getting intimate with their partner for the first time, they start wondering what to do after sex.