Sunday , December 22 2024

These 8 yogasanas are helpful for natural delivery

Pregnant women, if you want to have a natural delivery then practicing some yogasanas will help you have a natural delivery. Consult your doctor before doing yoga and do not watch yogasanas on YouTube, do it under the guidance of an expert.

8 yoga poses to help with natural childbirth
1. Chair Posture: This asana strengthens the back, is good for chest and spinal health. It is very good for mental and physical health.
2. Butterfly pose
This asana also helps in natural childbirth. It strengthens the pelvic region, thighs, back.

Practicing this Konasana posture is good for the back, legs and both sides of the body. It is especially helpful in preventing problems like constipation and sciatica pain during pregnancy.
4. Mountain pose
Practicing this asana is very good for the health of the back, spine, legs and thighs. This asana reduces muscle cramps of pregnant women. Helps in natural delivery.

5. Vakrasana
This asana is also good for the health of the spine. It improves the health of the lower abdominal organs.
6. Virabhadrasana
Virabhadrasana also improves the health of the back and legs. It helps in increasing the strength of the body.

This posture of Tadasana is also helpful for pregnant women in natural delivery.
8. Manjari Asana or Cat Pose
Very good for reproductive organs. It is good for shoulder, spine and neck health.

This asana is very useful in the third trimester
* Butterfly Pose
* Half Butterfly Pose
* Utkatasana

Note: Exercise should be done only after consulting a doctor and
Equal attention should be paid to breathing in yoga asanas.
* Do not do breath-holding exercises
* Pay attention to the nutrients the body needs.
* Rest after practicing each posture
* Wear comfortable clothes.