Friday , December 27 2024

These 7 habits will reduce the size of your penis.. Warning..!!

454031 Health

Men's Fitness: Some men feel that their penis is too small, so they are unable to satisfy their partner. Others try different methods to increase penis size. But experts say that some bad habits affect the size of the penis. Especially the 7 bad habits given below..

Junk Food: According to a 2011 Harvard study, men who eat cookies, cakes, chocolate, chips and fried foods have lower sperm counts. Quality sperm production in dieters. Eating too much junk food increases obesity. Due to this, along with weight, cholesterol also gets accumulated in the stomach. This indirectly puts pressure on the penis. Due to this the penis shrinks.

Lack of exercise: According to a study by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, men who exercise more have better erections and sexual performance. The penis becomes hard with regular exercise. It helps in the development of organs. Increases blood flow in the body and clears the blood vessels that block penis growth. It improves erection and sexual performance. But most people do not exercise because of laziness. Due to this the size of the penis becomes smaller.

Smoking: Smoking restricts blood flow to many parts of the body, including the penis. The harmful elements present in cigarettes damage the blood vessels. Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction and damage to penile tissue.

Not eating fruits and vegetables: Eating fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can increase penis size. The compounds present in them can fight free radicals in the blood vessels and increase the strength of the blood vessels. Especially the citrulline-arginine present in watermelon works as a medicine for erectile dysfunction. Apart from this, stress also affects mental and physical health. Stress disturbs the hormonal balance in the body. Experts say that this causes shrinkage in the penis.

Watching obscene videos: This habit also affects the sexual performance of men. Excessive porn watching increases mental stress in men. Many studies show that it changes the size of the penis.