Fenugreek leaves, which we know as menthya bhaji, help in reducing bad cholesterol. Fenugreek leaves can be juiced and drunk or can be consumed as a vegetable.
Sweet neem which is found with vegetables is rich in fiber. It helps in reducing bad cholesterol. 5 leaves of sweet neem can be chewed every morning.
Bitter neem also has medicinal properties. It helps in controlling bad cholesterol levels. Neem juice can be extracted and consumed daily or it can also be consumed by boiling it in water.
Tulsi also has medicinal properties. It also helps in reducing bad cholesterol. Tulsi leaves can be chewed regularly, juice can be drunk and tea can also be made.
Sargava leaf has the property of reducing bad cholesterol. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents arteries from getting blocked. Sargava leaves can be boiled in water or eaten as chutney.