Saturday , December 28 2024

These 4 teachings of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta will change your life, always remember them

Gita knowledge: Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta holds the most important place in Hinduism. There are 18 chapters and 700 verses in the Bhagavad Geeta. Through which Lord Krishna has told the right way to live life. The secret of a good life is hidden in the Bhagavad Geeta. The person who understands the teachings of the Gita lives his life in the true sense. Let us tell you about some such important teachings of the Bhagavad Geeta today. If you adopt this teaching even once in your life, then no worry or sorrow will bother you.

Teachings of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta

1. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna that praising or criticizing someone is beneficial but it depends on how you take it upon yourself. If you take praise positively and learn from criticism then you get a chance to correct the mistake.

2. According to another teaching, when God gives you another chance after a mistake, then start afresh. Do not repeat your first mistake again. If you make the same mistake again and again, then even God will not give you a second chance, so always take advantage of the opportunity you get.

3. According to one of the teachings of Lord Krishna, no one belongs to anyone. So do not trust anyone quickly. Once the trust is broken, the expectations are also fulfilled. So do not trust anyone other than yourself.

4. An important teaching of Gitaji is that one should not be proud of anything. God is the giver and taker. You have no right over what you have and what you want. Everything is in the hands of God, so do not be proud. If you accept this principle and move forward in life, you will achieve success.