The happiness of a wedding suddenly turned into mourning on Monday night in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh. A speeding truck allegedly overtook from the wrong side and entered a wedding ceremony. In this accident, 6 people died and 10 others were injured.
Officials said that the accident happened in Sultanpur area. Sultanpur police station in-charge Rajat Sarathe said that the victims also included laborers carrying lights for wedding ceremonies. He told that after the accident the truck driver fled from the spot.
After the incident, Raisen Collector Arvind Dubey said that the accident happened near Khamaria village at 10 pm on Monday night. The procession had come from Anchalkheda in Hoshangabad district. The Collector said that five people died and 11 were injured. The condition of five of the injured is critical. He has been shifted to Bhopal. Later another person died during treatment.
Collector Arvind Dubey said that Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has expressed grief over the accident and has announced financial assistance of Rs 4 lakh to the families of the deceased and Rs 50,000 to the injured.