The squad for the Asian Football Confederation Futsal Qualifiers 2025 has been announced. The Indian team is currently practicing at the SAG Sports Complex in Himmatnagar, Gujarat. They will leave for Indonesia on 12/1/25 to play matches against Hong Kong, Kyrgyz Republic and host Indonesia, after qualifying in the qualifying round the team will play the final round in China as our 6 players are the backbone of this team
Know who will be the player
1 Tanvi Mavani – Goalkeeper
Radhika Patel
3 Maya Rabari
4 Drishti Pant
5 Khushboo Saroj
6 Madhubala Alve
Team Asian Futsal Club
All these players are undergoing intensive training under qualified trainers. For the first time, the Indian women’s team is participating in the Asian Futsal Club Championship and it will prove to be a great opportunity for our players to represent our country. Like football, it is played on a handball-like field size, with each team having a football. There are 5 players with a heavier ball than those who keep the ball on the ground and do not play much in the air.
This game is fast and very popular in the world
The strategies of the game resemble some of the strategies of basketball. Most coaches prefer to play light players during training in football where they apply futsal skills to develop futsal skills in the players. Players got entry into the Indian team due to the advantage of this game is fast paced and very popular in the world.
AFC was formed in 1954
The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) is the governing body for association football, beach soccer and futsal in most Asian countries and regions. AFC was formed in 1954. It has 47 members. The Asian Women’s Football Confederation (ALFC) was the division of the AFC that governed women’s association football in Asia. The group was independently founded in April 1968 at a meeting of Taiwan, British Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. In 1986, the ALFC merged with the AFC.