Family drama show 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' has been ruling TV for 16 years. This show has given name and fame to many such stars. Many characters have also said goodbye to the serial for some reason or the other. 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' is the longest running show on TV. This show has been entertaining the fans since the beginning and every character of the show has become very popular among the audience.
At present, Abdul aka Sharad Sankla has denied this and now Atmaram Bhide aka Mandar Chandwadkar has denied the news of leaving the show. Mandar has shared a video on his Instagram handle in which Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has been called fake.
How did Mandar Bhide become 'Tarak Mehta'?
The show 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' is a favorite of the fans. Every character of the show is popular in every household. One of these characters is Atmaram Tukaram Bhide. Actor Mandar Chandwadkar is playing the character of Bhide in this show. Recently, news came that Mandar has left the show after 16 years. Stating the truth of the news, the actor said that he is associated with the show and the news running in his name is fake.
Who is Mandar?
Before making a name in the acting world, Bhide struggled hard for about 8 years. Before becoming an actor, he was a mechanical engineer. After becoming a mechanical engineer, he started working in Dubai, but in the year 2000, due to some reasons, he had to leave the luxurious lifestyle of Dubai and return to the country. After coming to India, he struggled for years to get work in serials. In 2008, his hard work paid off and he got the show 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma'.
How much does one charge for an episode?
In this show, Mandar played the character of Bhide and became popular in every household. In an interview to the media, Mandar said that 'people often dream of working with big stars.' 'But the show I work on, big stars come there. The actor also admitted that the show 'Tarak Mehta' has given him an identity. Currently, the situation is such that his house and grocery bills come in the name of Mr. Bhide. Like Mandar, his wife Snehal is also an actress. The couple also has a son named Parth.
According to reports, Mandar charges Rs 40,000 per episode for playing the character of Bhide in 'Tarak Mehta'. The actor is also very active on social media. He has 979 thousand followers on Instagram.