Jaunpur, August 19 (HS). In village Chandpur of Line Bazar police station area, in broad daylight, some miscreants entered a house and beat a woman with sticks over a trivial matter. The incident is said to have happened around four o'clock on Sunday. Married woman Sanju Yadav (38) wife of Vijay Kumar Yadav was standing in front of her house. At that time, there was an altercation on a trivial matter and the neighboring Pattidars attacked her. The miscreants started beating the woman in public. The woman ran inside her house to save herself from the attack of the miscreants. The miscreants broke the door of the house and entered the house and beat her fiercely with sticks. Later, the woman's life was saved due to intervention by the people.
It has been told about the incident that the injured woman started living in her house to serve her mother, due to which her neighbours want that if she does not live here, they would grab her share of the land. The victim woman also says that people have attacked her earlier also. The police has been informed about the incident. The police, who arrived on the information of the incident, sent the injured woman to the district hospital and got her treated. Due to serious injuries, the doctor has admitted the injured woman Sanju Devi. There is anger among the villagers due to this incident which happened in broad daylight.
In this case, on Monday, Line Bazar Police Station Incharge Kishore Kumar Choubey said that a case has been registered on the basis of the complaint. Investigation is being done regarding the viral video. Appropriate action will be taken.