Friday , January 31 2025

The first sign of kidney failure, negligence may be a threat to life

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Cases of kidney failure and kidney infection are increasing rapidly. Increasing cases of kidney infection and failure are due to wrong eating, pollution and deteriorating lifestyle. People who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes or take too many medicines increase the risk of kidney failure. Also, stopping urination for hours also causes damage to the kidney. Now the question is how we keep our kidney healthy, so let’s tell you about the health of the kidney. If you want to keep your kidney healthy, drink more water, whatever you eat, eat healthy, avoid alcohol and be physically active. If you already have a kidney problem, then it is very important for you to seek medical advice.

First symptoms of kidney failure

You usually see the initial symptoms of kidney disease very rarely. When you begin to experience symptoms, first of all indicate that something is wrong, swelling in your hands and feet, itching in the skin, or frequent urination.

Repeated urination: Repeated urination is a main symptom of kidney problem. This problem occurs mostly to the patient at night time.
Low urination: At the same time, some people get very little urination, which is directly related to kidney problems.
Apart from this, feeling too much tired, headache, pain under ribs, loss of appetite or high blood pressure can also be one of the main symptoms of kidney failure.

Can eating a healthy diet improve kidney functioning? Healthy diet for your kidney
There is also a question in the minds of many people that once the kidney gets spoiled, it can be cured by adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food, so let us tell you that a healthy diet is necessary for kidney care, but Once kidney damage occurs, it cannot be reversed, although it slows down the progression of kidney disease. For this, you will get more special information from the kidney expert. Kidney transplant is the best treatment after kidney failure, but it contains large surgery and lifelong drug (immunospressant). About 90% of transplants last up to at least 5 years.

Can overdose of some drugs cause kidney spoil?
Excessive intake of some drugs can also cause kidney damage. If you take over-the-counter drugs like Aspirin, NeProxon and Ibuprofen, your kidney may deteriorate. It should not be consumed daily or without talking regularly. Be sure to seek medical advice before consuming it.

Can kidney stones be avoided by drinking more water?
Drinking enough water can help prevent kidney stones by diluting stones and pulling them out of the kidneys.

Can all kidney diseases be avoided?
All diseases of the kidney cannot be prevented, but by adopting a healthy lifestyle, the risk of kidney problems can be significantly reduced by adopting diabetes and high blood pressure.

Why is kidney care important? Kidney Health Care
Emission of waste:
The kidneys filter the waste from the blood, toxins and additional substances and remove them from the body.

Fluid balance: The kidneys maintain proper balance of essential minerals like water and potassium, sodium and calcium in our blood, so that the correct amount of fluid in the body remains.

Acid-base balance: Kidney helps maintain the body’s acid-base balance, which we also call pH balance.

Blood pressure control: Kidney produces hormones called Renin, which controls our blood pressure.

Build red blood cells: The kidneys form another hormone called erythrophitin. This hormone helps in making red blood cells inside our bones.

vitamin D: Kidney activates vitamin D, which is important to keep bones and calcium levels appropriate.

Blood filtration: To remove waste materials and maintain good blood quality, the kidneys filter about 120–150 liters of blood per day.

Thus, kidneys do many important functions to keep our body healthy.

Kidney related problems
There can be many problems related to kidney. As:
Kidney stones.
Kidney cancer
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Kidney infection (pyelonephritis)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Acute kidney injury (AKI)
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
Nephrotic syndrome
Renal arteries stenosis

Tips to keep the kidney healthy and prevent diseases (how to keep the kidney healthy)
Drink more water to be hydrated

If you want to keep your kidney healthy then drink more water. With this, all the toxins from the body will come out through urine. This will also reduce the risk of kidney stones. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily is good for the functioning of the kidney.

Keep blood pressure under control
Hypertension is a major cause of kidney diseases. Check your blood pressure regularly and keep it under control by eating less sodium foods, exercising, and taking medicines if necessary. Consult a doctor for any problem.

Monitor blood sugar
If you have diabetes, it is very important to check and control your blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage the kidney over time. To save the kidney, change the medicine, diet and lifestyle as per the advice of the doctor.

Follow a healthy diet
Balanced and nutritious diet is very important for good kidney care. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and good fat should be eaten. Processed foods, high -salt snacks, sugary drinks and too much red meat should be avoided as they can damage the kidney and cause kidney problems.

Reduce salt intake
Excessive salt intake increases blood pressure, which is a major cause of kidney diseases. Therefore, processed and packaged foods should be avoided as they often have high sodium content, which can be harmful to kidney.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol
The main cause of kidney problems is smoking and excessive alcohol intake. Smoking reduces blood flow to the kidney and their functioning deteriorates. Similarly, drinking too much alcohol causes dehydration, which damages the kidney.

Exercise regularly
Regular physical activity is beneficial for both your health and kidney. Exercise reduces the risk of problems such as diabetes, blood pressure and anemia, which can affect the kidney. Apart from this, it improves blood circulation and also controls weight.

Do not take stress,
It is also necessary to take care of mental health for kidney health. Excess stress can affect your kidney and the whole body. Meditation, involvement in favorite activities, meeting friends or taking professional help when needed are good ways to manage stress.

Expert advice
If you have any kidney problems, consult a registered dietist or nutritionist. They can make a diet plan based on your medical requirements. If your kidney problem is serious, your doctor can send you to the nephrologist.