Kangana Ranaut's film 'Emergency' was scheduled to release on September 6, but the censor board did not issue its certificate. The actress has confirmed that the film will not release in theaters today. Kangana has shared an emotional post on social media. In which she wrote that she will soon announce the new release date of the film.
Kangana shared her post and wrote, 'I am sad to inform you that the release date of the film 'Emergency' directed by me has been postponed for the time being. We are still waiting for certification from the censor board.' The new release date of the film will be informed soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Let us tell you that in the film 'Emergency', Kangana Ranaut will be seen in the role of former PM Inder Gandhi. This film has also been directed by Kangana. Kangana has recently announced another film named 'Bharat Bhagya Vidhata'.