Telegram Banned in Ukraine: The Ukrainian government has taken a big decision amid the war with Russia. Ukraine has banned the Telegram app. Ukraine says that the use of Telegram by government and military officials can prove to be dangerous because Russia has used it for spying. Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council announced this on Friday. Earlier, Ukraine's GUR military intelligence agency had said how Russia was able to hack this platform.
Ukraine says the ban on Telegram is a matter of national security. Let us tell you that Telegram is widely used in both Ukraine and Russia. After the war between the two countries, most of the information was shared on Telegram. Zelensky said that the ban would not apply to officials who have to use Telegram for their duties.
Let us tell you that Russian-born Pavel Durov is the founder of Telegram. In 2014, he left Russia and went to Dubai. Last month, Telegram founder Durov was arrested in France on charges of publishing illegal content. The Council of Ukraine says that Russia can intercept Telegram messages. It can also read deleted messages. Zelensky said, I have always supported freedom of expression but the use of Telegram has nothing to do with it. This is a national security issue.
Telegram clarified the issue and said that the platform has never provided data to any country. On the other hand, the content that has been removed cannot be brought back. According to a report, 33000 Telegram channels are active in Ukraine. According to Ukrainian media, 75% of people use it for communication.
Let us tell you that Telegram has 900 million users. Despite its popularity, Telegram faces restrictions in many countries due to concerns about content moderation.