New Delhi: Sugar mills have demanded a 35 per cent hike in the minimum selling price of sugar to Rs 42 per kg. MSP has been implemented in sugar since 2018. It was last revised to Rs 31 in February 2019. However, sugar prices have always been above the MSP. The price of manure in Maharashtra has risen to around Rs 36 per kg, while the retail price of sugar is usually around Rs 30 per kg. It has been between Rs 42 to Rs 44.
It is true that if the National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories (NFCSF) accepts the Central Government's request regarding the price of sugar, then consumers are sure to be left with a bitter taste in their mouth.
The association said in its list that we have requested the central government to increase the fair and remunerative price (FRP) of sugarcane to Rs 42 per kg. Association president Harshvardhan Patil has requested the Center to increase the MSP of sugar to Rs 42 per kg.
In its list, the NFCS said that while the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugar is increasing at a steady rate every year, its MSP should be increased to Rs. 42.
The association has sent the proposal to the Centre. A joint meeting of the association, central directors of the Ministry of Food and Cooperation, NCDC was held in Pune and various issues related to the sugar industry were discussed.
Association President Dr. Harshvardhan Patil said that the association and ISMA have calculated the cost of sugar production based on reliable data and factual information received from various organizations in India. Its details have been sent to various departments of the government. Talking to the media, he said that the MSP of fertilizer should be Rs 42 per kg, only then it will be practical for the sugar industry.
He said that the association hopes that within the first 100 days of Prime Minister Modi's government, the cabinet will take an important decision to increase the MSP of sugar.
Patil said the association and National Cooperative Development Cooperation (NCDC) are jointly working on a plan to provide sugarcane harvesters for scientific cutting and immediate transportation of sugarcane. These machines are to be supplied to sugar mills before the next crushing season.
Apart from this, some new initiatives were also highlighted. These include the decision on April 24 to allow sugar mills to use seven lakh tonnes of B-heavy molasses for ethanol production.