Dehradun, August 22 (HS). Chief Information Commissioner in charge Vivek Sharma said that the State Information Commission will award five Public Information Officers and three First Appellate Officers for effective implementation of the Right to Information Act with the aim of encouraging them on RTI Day.
Chief Information Commissioner in charge Vivek Sharma informed that two workshops will be organized every month department wise at the Commission Headquarters to help Public Information Officers deal with the practical difficulties faced in resolving the information request letters of the general public under the Right to Information Act and to inform them about the provisions of the Act. The Commission will organize awareness programs through law colleges and higher education institutions to increase awareness among the general public about the Right to Information and to make good use of it in public interest. In the same sequence, a state level debate competition and discussion will be organized on RTI Day.
Information about the innovative initiative being started by the State Information Commission with the aim of creating a positive environment regarding the Right to Information and increasing awareness about the Right to Information among the general public was given by Chief Information Commissioner-in-charge Vivek Sharma and State Information Commissioners Vipin Chandra and Yogesh Bhatt during a joint press conference at the State Information Commission headquarters.
Acting Chief Information Commissioner Vivek Sharma said that there is a need to increase awareness among the general public about the Right to Information in the state and to make the Public Information Officers efficient. For this purpose, the Commission has taken some important decisions. According to the Acting Chief Information Commissioner, Uttarakhand is in a better position with regard to the implementation of the Right to Information Act. Out of the total request letters received in the state, second appeal-complaint is being made by the requestors in only four percent of the cases. This means that the information requestors are satisfied with the disposal being done by the Public Information Officers and the departmental appellate officers and they are receiving timely information.