Mumbai: Silver rose by Rs 180 to Rs 94,450 in the Delhi bullion market today and hit a new high of Rs 93,300 in the Ahmedabad market. Gold prices continued to decline in the Mumbai jewellery market today. However, silver prices were reported high. Pressure was seen on gold prices in the global market.
Global markets witnessed selling of gold by funds as the global dollar index and bond yields rose. Globally, gold prices ranged from $2,356 to $2,358 to $2,359 and from $2,375 to $2,376 per ounce.
Following the global market, gold prices today fell by Rs 300 to Rs 99.50 at Rs 74,500 and Rs 99.90 at Rs 74,700 in the Ahmedabad jewellery market. However, silver prices in Ahmedabad rose by Rs 300 per kg to Rs 93300. Silver prices in the global market stood at $30.76 to $30.91 to $30.92 an ounce after rising by $31.15 to $31.12 an ounce.
In Mumbai bullion market, gold price without GST stood at Rs 72455 at Rs 99.50 and silver price at Rs 72056 at Rs 99.90 and silver price at Rs 72746. Silver price in Mumbai rose from Rs 91,733 to Rs 91,892 to Rs 91,847 without GST. Gold and silver prices in Mumbai were 3% higher than these prices including GST.
Meanwhile, platinum prices were at $1011-1012 per ounce in the global market today, off $991-992-993. Palladium prices were at $1007-1008 in the low 1017-1018 range.
Global copper prices were down by 0.21 percent today. Pressure was also seen on crude oil prices in the global market today. The crude oil market was affected by signs of ceasefire talks continuing between Israel and Palestine-Hamas.
However, there were also reports that crude oil exports from Russia have fallen to a new low since the Ukraine war. Meanwhile, Brent crude prices in the world market fell from $86.14 to $85.13 to $85.22 per barrel. US crude prices fell from 82.52 to $81.68 to $81.74.