Mumbai: Behind World Market, Sonakhandi witnessed a surge on the first day of the week. Mumbai Silver gained more than Rs 2,000 from its previous close while gold gained more than Rs 900. The worsening war situation in the Middle East and outgoing US President Joe Boyd’s approval of Ukraine to use US missiles against Russia led to a significant jump in the price of precious metals in the world market on the first day of the week compared to the previous week. ,
Goldman’s forecast of a new record high for gold in 2025 also supported prices. Globally, gold rose by $30 to near $2600. Crude oil prices remain strong.
After a three-day holiday at home, gold prices excluding GST rose by Rs 869 to Rs 74,808 in Mumbai jewelery market from the previous close of Rs 99.90.
Prices increased by three percent due to GST. The price of ten grams of 99.50 gold was Rs 74508 without GST. Prices increased by three percent due to GST. Silver price without GST was Rs 2,186, up from Rs 89,289 per kg. Prices increased by three percent due to GST.
Ahmedabad: The price of gold at 99.90 per ten grams was Rs 77500, while the price of gold at 99.50 per ten grams was Rs 77300. Silver at 999 was at Rs 89,500 per kg.
A new attack on the residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled further escalation of the war with Iran in the coming days, and after outgoing US President Joe Biden approved the use of US missiles against Russia in Ukraine. Global gold, a safe-haven fund-buying fund, reached $2,600 an ounce, late in the evening, it was placed at $2592.
Globally, silver stood at $30.72 an ounce. The price gap between palladium and platinum, which had narrowed last week, widened again on the first day of the week, with platinum trading at $956 per ounce and palladium trading at $973 per ounce.
Crude oil prices remain stable. The above prices do not last. The market is eyeing the OPEC meeting to be held next month. Nymax WTI crude oil was at $67.38 per barrel while ICE Brent crude was at $71.52 per barrel. Due to Russia-Ukraine tension, prices are showing strength.