After late actress Sridevi’s elder daughter Jhanvi Kapoor, now her younger daughter Khushi Kapoor is also trying to make her mark in the film industry. After showing her acting skills on OTT, Khushi is now going to be seen on the big screen. Khushi Kapoor will soon hit the screen with Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan in the film ‘Loveyapa’ in a romantic comedy. The first song of this film has been released today, and after seeing it, not only the fans but even the king of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan could not live without praising it.
Shahrukh Khan expressed happiness and praised Junaid
Bollywood King Shahrukh Khan watched this song from the film ‘Loveyapa’ and appreciated the chemistry of Khushi Kapoor and Junaid Khan. Shahrukh tweeted, “This is a very lovely song. This song completely matches Junaid’s personality. Happiness, all the best! All my love to the Loveyapa couple and congratulations to the entire team.”
Shahrukh and Aamir have good relations
Shahrukh Khan and Aamir Khan both are Bollywood superstars and both started their careers almost together. Good relations have been formed between them in this long time. Aamir’s son Junaid and Boney Kapoor’s daughter Khushi Kapoor are going to make their theatrical debut with the film ‘Loveyapa’. Earlier, Khushi Kapoor played the character of Betty Cooper in ‘The Archies’ in the year 2023, and Junaid Khan won everyone’s hearts with his debut film ‘Maharaj’.
Now everyone is waiting for the release of their film ‘Loveyapa’.