Varun Dhawan and Atlee Kumar’s much-awaited film Baby John had created a lot of excitement among the audience since its announcement. Released on the occasion of Christmas, this film was expected by the fans that it would rule the box office with a big bang. But, contrary to expectations, Baby John’s performance is proving disappointing. While Pushpa is making record after record, it is looking difficult for Baby John to even touch the Rs 40 crore mark.
Seventh day collection: slight increase, still less than expected
Talking about the box office collection on the seventh day, as per the report of Sacknilk, Baby John did a business of Rs 2.15 crore.
- With this slight increase, the total collection of the film reached 32.65 crores.
- However, there has been a slight increase in the earnings on the seventh day as compared to the sixth day.
- The film’s performance so far keeps it away from the hit category.
Week long collection:
- Day 1: ₹11.25 crore
- Day 2: ₹4.75 crore
- Day 3: ₹3.65 crore
- Day 4: ₹4.25 crore
- Day five: ₹4.75 crore
- Day 6: ₹1.85 crore
- Day 7: ₹2.15 crore
Expectations from the film on New Year
Baby John is likely to perform slightly better at the box office during the New Year holidays.
- Audiences celebrating New Year can turn to theaters for entertainment.
- But, the presence of big films like Pushpa 2 will continue to challenge it.
Story and performance of the film
1. Star cast of Baby John
The film stars Varun Dhawan in the lead role, while Keerthy Suresh and Vamika Gabbi also play important roles.
- Keerthy Suresh has debuted in Bollywood through this film and her acting has been appreciated by the audience and critics.
- However, despite a strong performance, the film failed to draw audiences to the theatres.
2. Remake of Theri
Baby John is a remake of the Tamil superhit film Theri.
- Theri had Thalapathy Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in lead roles.
- This film directed by Atlee proved to be a blockbuster.
- But Baby John, which is based on the same story, did not perform well at the box office.
Collision with Pushpa 2: The biggest challenge for Baby John
Pushpa 2, which is already ruling the box office, has badly affected the performance of Baby John.
- While Pushpa 2 is making record breaking collections, it is finding difficult for Baby John to even reach Rs 40 crores.
- The craze of Pushpa 2 among the audience overshadowed the prospects of Baby John.