Ahmedabad: The BSE Sensex today crossed the intra-day 80,000 mark to hit a new all-time high of 8074 points, led by a fresh rally led by foreign investors on other positive reports, including strong expectations that the newly formed government will introduce stimulus provisions for various sectors in the next budget to boost the economy. Investors' wealth also rose by Rs 1,000 crore today on the back of a surge in the Sensex, which had hit a new high of Rs 445.43 lakh crore.
At the end of trading, the Sensex rose 545 points to close at 79,987 and the Nifty rose 163 points to a new high of 24,286.
Strong optimism that the government will announce various concessions and provisions for green energy, AI, electric vehicles and other sectors in the upcoming budget had a positive impact on the market. Apart from this, the bullish trend in global markets also affected the Indian stock market. The report of SEBI issuing a show cause notice to Hindenburg in the Adani case yesterday also had a positive impact on the market.
Based on these reports, the Sensex today crossed the 80,000 mark for the first time, led by foreign investors, and at the close of trading hit a new all-time high of 80074 on the back of fresh buying by players, operators and investors. It closed at a new high of 79986.80, up 545.35
The NSE Nifty also posted fresh gains, rising intra-day to a new all-time high of 24,309.15, after gaining 162.65 to close at a new high of 24,286.50.
Today, due to the rise in Sensex, investor wealth (BSE market cap) increased by Rs. 3.25 lakh crore at the end of trading with a gain of Rs. 445.43 lakh crore and reached a new record level. Today, foreign investors bought Rs. 5,484 crore, while local bodies bought Rs. 5,484 crore today. There was a sale of Rs. 924 crore. Today fresh buying was seen in small-midcap stocks.
Sensex Journey |
level |
Date of achievement |
70,000 |
11 December. 2023 |
75,000 |
9 Apr '24 |
76,000 |
27 May '24 |
77,000 |
10 Jun '24 |
78,000 |
25 June '24 |
79,000 |
27 June '24 |
80,000 |
3 Jul '24 |