Famous Hindi cinema actor Raj Kiran was last seen in the TV show Chudail No. 1. Since then he is missing. His family was searching for the actor for years. Recently, Salman Khan's ex-girlfriend Somi Ali also shared a post in search of Raj. Somi Ali captioned it on Instagram, Friends, if anyone gives me valid information, he will also get a reward.
Raj Kiran is missing since 1999
Veteran actor Raj Kiran, who has worked in films like Shiksha, Karz, Arth and Raj Tilak, has been missing for the last 20 years. Even his family does not know where he went and what he was doing after leaving the industry. His family was looking for Raj Kiran for years. Late actor Rishi Kapoor also tried to find him. Now this wish of Rishi will be fulfilled by Salman Khan's ex-girlfriend Somi Ali. Former Bollywood actress Somi Ali has recently revealed through a post on social media that she had promised Rishi Kapoor that she would find Raj Kiran. She borrowed money from her mother and also spent her own money to find Raj, but could not find him. Now she is once again looking for Raj and has also offered a reward to the person who finds the actor. There should be no fraud or scam.
Promise made to Rishi Kapoor
Somi Ali has shared a video of Raj Kiran on her Instagram account. Along with the clip, Somi captioned, “Friends, if I get some valid information, I will also get monetary reward. This is not a scam or scam. I had promised late Shri Rishi Kapoor ji that I will find Raj Kiran. Actor Raj Kiran I will never stop him.
Somi Ali has been searching for 20 years
Somi Ali wrote, “I have been looking for him for 20 years. I spent my own money and sometimes borrowed money from my mother and went to many states to find him. So that Chintu ji can rest in peace and I can fulfill my promise.” Chintu ji and another actress also tried to find him, but he was not found. Somi Ali appealed to the people, “If any of you know about his whereabouts, please send me a message.” This is just to see if he is okay and if he needs any help as a victim advocate and running my organization for 17 years. My heart never stops and I just want to know if he is okay. Your promise.
Who is Raj Kiran?
Somy Ali also shared information about actor Raj Kiran. Raj Kiran Mahtani (born 5 February 1949) is a former Indian actor known for his work in Bollywood. Born in Bombay to a Sindhi family, Raje B.R. Isharani made his debut in Kaghzi Naav (1975) and appeared in over 100 films until the mid-90s. He later disappeared and was believed to be living in isolation in the United States, but in 2011 conflicting reports emerged that his whereabouts were unknown.