New Delhi: Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov recently claimed to be the biological father of more than a hundred children. About fifteen years ago, Durov was asked by a friend with fertility problems to donate sperm. Initially surprised, Durov finally agreed after further discussions with the director of the fertility clinic. The clinic director explained to Durov the need for high-quality sperm in the world and sperm donation as a social duty.
As interest in the matter grew, Durov began donating sperm, which led to his having over a hundred children in twelve countries around the world. Durov said that some clinics still store his sperm to give to unknown needy people.
Durov plans to make his DNA information public so that his biological children can communicate with each other. Durov expressed pride in his contribution and stressed the importance of raising awareness about the global shortage of healthy sperm and making sperm donation sterilized.
Durov's announcement has attracted a lot of attention on social media. Autism Capital praised Durov's announcement, while famous billionaire Elon Musk jokingly compared it to Genghis Khan.
Public reactions were mixed, with some criticising the technology CEO for taking a competitive approach towards children, saying Durov was proud of his numbers without loving children while others compared Durov to the most successful man in the world.