The dream of millions of medical students in India is to get admission in AIIMS, because it is the most prestigious medical institute in the country. AIIMS is the platform from where students not only become doctors but also make their mark in the medical field across the world.
The faculty of this institute is also much talked about. In a recent viral video, students have shown the facilities of their hostel. People are surprised to see this video that for such a low fee, medical students are getting such facilities which are no less than a five star hotel. The video is said to be from Deoghar AIIMS, Jharkhand.
Watch 'AIIMS Hostel Room Tour'
MBBS fee in AIIMS is only Rs 5,586
A student of AIIMS, Deoghar, Jharkhand has shown the hostel facilities by making a video of AIIMS room tour. The video starts from outside the institute, where the student tells that the fees for MBBS at AIIMS is only Rs 5,586.
The student told that he has got a furnished room in the hostel, the rent of which is only Rs 15 per month. The room has facilities like a big bed, study table, chair and wardrobe. Also, there is 24-hour electricity supply here, the rent for which is only Rs 4 per month. In the video, the student also shows the beautiful sunset and open area by turning the camera from the balcony, which looks no less than the balcony of a five star hotel.
'Free Wi-Fi, cultural fest'
In a recent video that went viral, an AIIMS student had shared interesting things about the hostels and facilities of the institute. In which it was told that studying in AIIMS is like a dream come true, here the government spends about Rs 1.7 crore on every medical student.
A student told that after admission in AIIMS, so many relatives and friends will call to congratulate them that you will get tired.
'Admission into AIIMS is a dream…'
Along with this, the student also told about the sports facilities available in AIIMS, free WiFi and golden opportunities to publish research in the first year itself. Famous artists of the country participate in the cultural programs organized regularly at the institute, which is a special experience for the students.
Recently, a video shared by an AIIMS student is becoming increasingly viral on social media. Someone got motivated after watching the video and someone said that studying in AIIMS is a dream, which can be fulfilled only with hard work.
'I wish all the medical institutions in India were this cheap…?'
After watching the video, many people also wrote – I wish all the medical institutions in India were so cheap. Some users expressed concern over the expensive medical education in India and said that many poor children, who are capable, are unable to continue their studies simply because of the high college fees. Users also said that the students studying in AIIMS are really lucky, but it is also a fact that not every hardworking student gets admission in AIIMS, because the seats are very less.