Varanasi, 22 August (HS). On Thursday, the anti-corruption team arrested a clerk red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 50,000 from the roadways bus stand. The team took the accused Babu Riyazuddin to Sigra police station and handed him over to the police.
According to anti-corruption officers, the victim Ramesh Kumar Mishra, a resident of Mirzapur district, made a written complaint to the department that he has been working as a driver on contract in the Transport Department since 2017. He was posted at Chandauli depot. When the vehicle was damaged during election duty, the ARM transferred him to Bindnagar depot. I met the ARM regarding my transfer. On not getting relief, I filed a writ petition in Allahabad High Court. The High Court ordered me to join Chandauli depot itself.
In this regard, clerk Riyazuddin demanded a bribe of 50 thousand rupees for joining Chandauli depot. When the team investigated the complaint, the allegation was found to be true. After this, the team today sent the victim Ramesh to meet Riyazuddin by giving him 50 thousand rupees. The team officers were present there nearby. As soon as Riyazuddin held the money in his hand, the team caught him. When his hand was washed, it turned red. At present, necessary action will be taken against the clerk and he will be sent to jail. The accused clerk, while presenting his side, said that this is not a matter of our table. I am a small employee. I have just followed the instructions of RM Sahab.