Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav visited the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) located in Chennai on Friday. He inspected Vande Bharat rakes, coaches of Amrit Bharat trains and Vistadome dining car here. During this, he emphasized on the changes and new facilities taking place in Indian Railways.
Amrit Bharat Train: Premium experience for the common citizen
Railway Minister said,
“Amrit Bharat train has been designed for the ordinary citizens. Premium train like facilities are also available in its general coaches. It has been created in the spirit of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Antyodaya’.”
New Features:
- Advanced quality seats and fans.
- Mobile charging points.
- New design toilets.
Improvements in Vande Bharat trains:
The Railway Minister said that continuous improvements are being made in Vande Bharat trains so that passengers can get a better experience.
Railway safety and infrastructure improvements
Speaking to reporters at the ICF, the Railway Minister mentioned the improvements being made in the safety and infrastructure of the Railways:
- Armor Technology:
“’Kavach’ protection system is being installed on 10 thousand locomotives.”
- Trackside Fitting:
“New fitting is being done on 15 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.”
- Cameras and the new Bolt:
“Cameras are being installed in front of the engines. Also, new design bolts are being added so that they cannot be removed easily.”
Decision on fare of Amrit Bharat train
In response to the question related to fares of Amrit Bharat trains, the Railway Minister said that the final decision on this will be taken by the Railway Board.
Footage released by ANI:
The video of the Railway Minister’s visit has been shared by news agency ANI, in which he was seen inspecting trains and taking important information from the concerned officials.
Supreme Court’s important comment on railway ticket system
This visit of the Railway Minister came at a time when the Supreme Court made strong remarks on the sanctity of the railway ticketing system.
Court statement:
“Indian Railways is the mainstay of the country’s infrastructure. “Every attempt to disrupt the stability of its ticketing system must be stopped.”
Important figures:
- Indian Railways serves approximately 673 crore passengers annually.
- Disruption of the railway ticketing system could have a serious impact on the country’s economy.
Subject of hearing:
The comment focused on the interpretation of Section 143 of the Railways Act, 1989. This section prohibits unauthorized purchase and sale of railway tickets and provides for penalty for the same.