Investors have lost Rs 31 lakh crore due to the tsunami in the stock market on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani suffered the biggest blow and his fortune suffered a loss of crores of rupees. There was a decrease of more than 2 lakh crores. However, the market has seen recovery for two consecutive days and this has also affected Adani's net worth. Due to the surge going on for these two days, Gautam Adani has once again made a tremendous comeback and joined the $ 100 billion club.
There has been an increase of Rs 46000 crore in 24 hours
Recovering from Tuesday's huge fall, the stock market rose on Wednesday. The Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensex closed with a jump of 2300 points, while the NSE Nifty closed with a jump of more than 700 points. During trading, the shares of all the listed companies of the Adani Group saw a strong jump and as a result, their net worth increased by Rs 1.55 crore in just 24 hours. An increase of more than 46000 crores has been seen.
has moved up one place in the rich list
According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Gautam Adani's net worth increased by $5.59 billion to $103 billion due to the rise in the shares of Adani Group. This increase in net worth has also improved his ranking in the list of billionaires and he has moved from 15th to 14th position.
There was a big loss on Tuesday
On Tuesday, the day of the Lok Sabha election results, the stock market reached a new record low as the election results came out. Around 12 noon, the Sensex slipped more than 6000 points, while the Nifty fell more than 1900 points. With the huge fall in the stock market, the net worth of billionaire Gautam Adani fell by $ 24.9 billion or more than Rs 2 lakh crore to $ 97.5 billion in a single day.
All 10 stocks of Adani rose
After Wednesday's surge, Adani shares are seeing a rise on Thursday as well and all the 10 stocks of the group are also trading in the green zone, including Adani Enterprises shares up 3.11%, Adani Power shares up 7.53%, Adani Green Energy shares up 3.96%, Adani Ports shares up 2.69%, Adani Wilmar shares up 3.31%, Adani Total Gas shares up 5.01%, Adani Energy Solutions shares up 6.05%, ACC Limited shares up 3.82%, Ambuja Cements shares up 2.97% and NDTV shares up 3.81%.