Superstar Allu Arjun, who is in the news for the upcoming film “Pushpa 2”, has got bail from Hyderabad’s Nampally Court in the Sandhya theater stampede case. This matter had created a stir in the film industry as well as among his fans.
Background of the case
On December 13, a woman was killed while her son was seriously injured in a stampede at Sandhya Theatre. This incident happened during the premiere of the film “Pushpa 2”, where a large number of fans had gathered to see Allu Arjun. During this time the situation went out of control and this tragic incident happened in the stampede.
Following the incident, the police registered a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theater management. On December 14, the High Court granted him interim bail for four weeks, after which he was released from jail.
Fans’ madness and security lapse
The premiere show of Pushpa 2 created tremendous excitement among the fans. However, the theater management and security team failed to handle the crowd of fans. The accident exposed the lack of safety measures and raised questions about the film star’s responsibility.
Child’s father’s statement and help
The son of the victim woman is still undergoing treatment. On December 24, the child’s father said that his son’s condition had improved slightly. He expressed gratitude for the support extended by Allu Arjun and the Telangana government.
- Allu Arjun donated ₹1 crore to the victim’s family.
- The producer and director of the film contributed ₹50 lakh each.
- Allu Arjun’s father Allu Aravind announced an additional assistance of ₹2 crore.
Allu Arjun’s statement
After being released from jail, Allu Arjun said,
“I am deeply saddened by whatever happened. Such an incident should not have happened. I am a law abiding citizen and will fully cooperate in the investigation. My deepest condolences to the family who lost their lives in this accident.”
further action
This incident has forced the film industry and theater management to reconsider the security arrangements. The investigation of the case continues by the court, and the support of fans towards Allu Arjun remains intact.
This accident is a lesson on how important it is to control the madness of stardom, so that such tragedies can be avoided in future.