Friday , January 10 2025

Purple Potato: Purple potato is here, scientists have discovered a new variety, crop will be ready in 90 days, will be cultivated in Punjab | News India


Usually doctors advise to stay away from potatoes. Health conscious people automatically avoid eating potatoes. But now such a potato is going to come in the market, which even doctors will ask you to eat.

This potato has been discovered by the Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla. This is also one of the 109 varieties launched by the Prime Minister in Pusa a day earlier.

Kufri Manik Potato is a new variety of potato discovered by the Regional Centre of Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, Modipuram, Uttar Pradesh. This type of discovery took about 9 years. It was started in the year 2015. On the occasion of the launch of the new variety, this potato was shown to the Prime Minister and its features were also explained. The Prime Minister also praised it.

These Facilities

Dr. S.K. Luthra, Principal Scientist of Central Potato Research Institute, who discovered this Kufri Jamunia potato, said, Kufri Jamunia is a type of potato which is rich in anti-oxidants and anthocyanins. Its 100 grams of pulp contains high anti-oxidants like vitamin C (52 mg), anthocyanin (32 mg), carotenoids.

It is a dark purple coloured long oval shaped variety (10-12 tubers per plant) maturing in 90-100 days. Its yield is 32-35 tonnes per hectare and it can be stored for a longer time than normal potatoes. Its taste is better than normal potatoes.